Transplanted from the artic blight of Minnesota to the sunny paradise of SoCal, I am attending school and learning to say "dude." I like to think of myself as equal parts surf rash, Batman, heavy metal, Levinas, poetic license, and reformational. Other than creating blund blogs, I enjoy reading, sporting, and socializing with serious and funny people.
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What the Thunder Said... would like to apologize for posting scurrilous content. It has come to our attention, and upon further review of the above content, it has been confirmed that the iBible is currently offered only in the NIV (non)version of the Bible. Our sincerest apologies.
We ask that no purchases be made until the ESV version comes out, and remind our listeners of the seriousness of church discipline.
The Management
Posted by blund | 8/15/2007 02:27:00 PM