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Thursday, August 30, 2007 

Around the Blogosphere in 80 days

Reading: Witsius' Dissertations on the Apostle's Creed
Enjoying: strawberry cheesecake yogurt
Listening: Damien Rice 9

Good news, bad news, links, updates, and humor. What more could you ask for?

In God's good providence, more of the Korean hostages have been released. On July 19, 23 hostages had been kidnapped. Two have been martyred, two released. Now, the Taliban leaders are beginning to release more with plans to release the rest. Some question how this will affect relations with the Taliban in the future. We thank God for every life spared, and pray for repentance on all sides.

Adam L'Herault Stand Up Comedy

How great is this. For those of you in the Twin Cities, be sure to support Adam in round 2. Congrats, bro!

I found this discussion that included Dr. R. Scott Clark regarding righteousness and justification to be helpful. I thank God for Reformed "apologists" like the good doctor.

This cartoon was banned from several papers in several countries (click to enlarge).
GTD: Read blog posts with more discernment

The Complete Works of Rev. Robert Traill

(HT: Rev. Hyde)

The Critical Importance of Family Worship


The Wilco concert that I went to on Monday rocked. Thumbs up: two encores, a beautiful evening (it was an outdoor concert), opening act Richard Swift, and Chipotle beforehand. Thumbs down: the guy who had bad weed behind us. whew... Here's a set list of the songs they played. Having already heard a number of blazing guitar solos early in the concert, I was still blown away when they played "Impossible Germany," a song I appreciate with an snazzy solo. Good job Wilco.

If you're looking for more good music ideas, check out K.C.'s music list (who just happens to be church planting in KC).

Also in updates:
Some guys have responded to the book meme. More good book suggestions.


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Thanks for the updates and links.

One thing though: how did you find out that the guy behind you in the concert had bad weed and not killer, red-haired hydroponic? I'm not implying anything, I just want to hear an anecdote that involves some guy near you smoking bad buds.

I'm really glad to hear that you look even hotter than before now that you have a new hair-cut and sunglasses. I'm even more jealous of Sam than before. BTW, I thought Chipotle was our place. How could you go there with someone else?

Hey, I noticed you're reading Lillback! Any thoughts? Have you read Horton's article on Calvin and the Law/Gospel Hermeneutic, which I believe appeared in Pro Ecclesia? C. Venema wrote a short review of this book, which I thought asked some good questions that I'm sure you've already heard at WSCAL. I loved and hated this book for many reasons. If you don't want to post your thoughts on this, please shoot me an email sometime.

That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.

That is great to hear, thank you for reading!

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Transplanted from the artic blight of Minnesota to the sunny paradise of SoCal, I am attending school and learning to say "dude." I like to think of myself as equal parts surf rash, Batman, heavy metal, Levinas, poetic license, and reformational. Other than creating blund blogs, I enjoy reading, sporting, and socializing with serious and funny people.
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