On Covenant, Election, and Current Debates
Reading: Kline, M. G. Kingdom Prologue
Enjoying: not being able to feel my toes from want of sleep
Listening: the tick-tock of the clock until finals are over
We posted an earlier nugget from soon-to-be-graduated Shane Lems on righteousness in different perspectives. Now he's composed another one:
Dr. Norman Shepherd
"We should view election from the perspective of the covenant of grace, and not vice-versa."
"The Covenant Context of Evangelism" in The New Testament Student and Theology (ed. J. Skilton), Presbyterian & Reformed, 1976: 60 - 61.
Rev. Rich Lusk
I suggest ‘viewing election through the lens of the covenant’ is one helpful way of conceptualizing what Paul is doing in texts such as these (Romans 8, 11)."
(Covenant & Election FAQs; Question #2)
(Here's one I found by Lusk)
"Actually, the Bible speaks of election from the perspective of the covenant more often than the reverse."
Geerhardus Vos
"Theologically speaking, we would say that the berith (covenant) had its source in the divine election" .
(Biblical Theology [Eerdmans, 1948] 260)
Labels: theology
Your Vos quote shows that he, like all other Post-Reformation Reformed academics, thinks in terms of a central dogma. Like the Reformed scholastics before him, his was an essentially rationalist theology wherein he gathers everything from his center-piece, as it were, which is for him the doctrine of predestination. Vos obviously knew nothing about philosophy, or at least the limits of Enlightenment thinking.
Okay, yeah...that was a big joke. Not only did Vos study philosphy at some of the most prestigious universities in the world, but good luck trying to find some sort of central dogma in his thought! Nevertheless, maybe this could be my claim to fame: Old Princetonians were the real central dogmatists. I could be just like Kendal. I suppose the truth would get in the way before my conscience did.
Thanks for the post. I was helpful seeing those sound-bites next to one another.
Posted by
Ben Dahlvang |
5/24/2007 04:10:00 PM
Thanks for sharing that. It was fun reading it. :-)
Posted by
Penile Implant in India |
5/29/2018 02:00:00 AM
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
Posted by
Dr. Krishan Chugh |
7/14/2018 03:27:00 AM