BBC Bingo
First, for this to make any sense, go read Purgatorio's piece on Liturgical Bingo.
However, poor Mr. Heinrich alerted us to the fact that he was unable to actually play "Liturgical Bingo" due to the fact that, well, it wouldn't exactly work at his church.
So, never fear, What the Thunder Said... is here, and hopefully we will have just what the good sir needs.
Now, when our most excellent purgatorio is given opportunity (provided he's not leading worship, of course... Leading the congregation may disrupt his ability to hold his card steady) he too can join in on the liturgical bingo fun. For anyone else who may worship at BBC, simply |right click| on the card, "View Image" and |print|. You now are ready to join in the bingo mania. However, you had better be sure to not allow your new past time to affect your ability to catch the fifth example under the third subpoint that forms the bilateral back to the main verse in your notes. Pay attention.
In case you don't have the blessing of worshipping with Mr. Heinrich, here's an explanation behind some of the bingo spaces:
In all seriousness, I bless God that there are churches where these things are deeply cherished and held to. I pray that more and more, we would as the Church abound in these things and that our joy in God as God would spread to the nations, that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord would cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.
Update: yes, I just realized I am an absolute idiot and forgot to put "Christian Hedonist" on the card...
Labels: blogging, Events, WtTS Stuff
I am leading this weekend, if I yell BINGO from the platform it would most likely be the last thing you ever here from me up there... except maybe, "I repent"
Posted by marc | 2/06/2006 03:57:00 PM
That's awesome! Very funny!
I do think you should have added "Disneyland" and something about food and sex, but the board would get too big.
Posted by Christine | 2/07/2006 09:24:00 AM
Purgatorio -
Agreed! Thanks for your service.
Christine -
You are very correct! Disneyland, et al would have been great. Wished I would have thought of it. Perhaps you'd like to make your own?
Posted by blund | 2/07/2006 09:50:00 PM
Just to jump on the band-wagon: you could also add a particular Kelly Clarkson song the witty board, the name of which presently escapes your arrow wielding! that was heard at an entirely different location. Woops.
Posted by Anonymous | 2/08/2006 10:31:00 PM
should read "TO the witty board". Looks like the joke backfired on me.
Posted by Anonymous | 2/08/2006 10:34:00 PM
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
Posted by Dr. Amrita Gogia | 4/21/2018 03:25:00 AM
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
Posted by Opioid Addiction | 5/24/2018 02:00:00 AM