Bed & Breakfast Closed For the Season
Reading: Bryan Chapell's Christ Centered Preaching
Enjoying: cup o' joe
Listening: soof-yan
As much as it saddens me to say this, the Lund|Escondido Inn is officially closed down for the visiting season. Our last guest vacated the premises over the weekend (fortunately Samantha came back!), and then there were two. It was a ton of fun having everyone out, and we hope we're as popular next year.
All total, we count 17 people made their way through our doors. Family, friends, prospective students, and the odd "how is she related to you again?" all graced us with their presence. Now don't worry, not everyone in that mob actually stayed in our apartment - several stayed at the nearby Holiday Inn. We're not sure who's sanity was being protected in those scenarios, but it always seemed to work out well. Sam and I are thinking of developing an award gala to celebrate the tourist season - you know: "Favorite Relative to stay with us," "Least Knowledge of Personal Hygiene," "
The upside of all of this is a return to blogging for me. So, there will be more posts again at What the Thunder Said..., and it remains to be seen if that is a good thing or a bad thing!
That was a VERY interesting one! Seriously interesting.
Posted by Dr. Prasanna Kumar Reddy | 7/14/2018 03:31:00 AM