Wednesday's montage
Blogging, Theology, Philosophy
Reading: Witsius, Herman The Economy of the Covenants
Enjoying: Nothing, and I'm starved.
Listening: Bach, J.S. "Cello Suite No. 1 in G major" Allemande
From the blogosphere
Doug Wilson et al are enjoying their Trinity Fest 2005, and from the reportings, it sounds wonderful. It prompted me to reflect on the value of large corporate gatherings of the baptized, and its foreshadowing of heaven. Nevertheless, as much as we may enjoy such amalgamates, they must also leave a longing in us, as the Groom is not fully with His Bride in the way He soon will be.
The iMonk weighs in helpfully on guiding the Christian artist, and then gives a remarkable self-disclosure of his own journey, hurt, and fractured relationship with the local (read small) church. I would also love to get my hands on his architecture.
If you were to ask me (which, oddly enough, no one has) who is the best resource for understanding current racial relationships in America and the American church... I wouldn't know. But I do know who has done a ton of reading, and blogging, on this: Justin Taylor. Here's another great look he takes at it, with helpful info and links.
The Pyromaniac is always in rare form. After Johnson laboriously detailed his hero feat against his new Dell laptop that took 2+ days to get setup, get this:
Sean Higgins, on the other hand, crows about the fact that his new Titanium PowerBook G4 took him only three hours out of the box to set up. Yeah, well, my GameBoy wasn't too hard to configure, either. Have fun with it.He also wrassles with "Jus Divinum" over at Triablogue regarding the merits of evangelicalism. Though their argument is different from one I would enter into, I see no benefit in holding "evangelicalism" - the moniker, the movement, the fraternity - any longer. Of course, my sounding its death knell isn't too new for cyberspace, its just that I never thought it existed in the first place. Fundamentalist smoke and mirrors. I'll devote more of my thoughts on this later.
Though it barely seems mentionable now, the missus and I had a terrific weekend with the newly married Tachicks on Friday, and Gally and Kelly on Saturday. Friday night we had the priviledge of watching the Twins womp on my guilty pleasure Bo Sox. Brad Radke was terrific, and the Twinkies remembered to bring the wood for this game. It was fun to watch, as opposed to Sunday's nightmare when Joe Mays COULD NOT FIND IT for the life of him. Hats off to Kyle Lohse for a game he should have earned a W for. The only redeeming factor from Sunday's loss? Bottom deck seats behind home plate with Grandpa, uncle, friend, and father. Good times.
Saturday with Ryan and Kelly comprised of Saturday night worship at church (Gally had to go home to Cali on a flight the following day. I think he visited WSCal yesterday). Our pastor preached one of his best, most gospel-centered sermons I've heard in a long time. Thank you Lord.
After that, it was out to Uptown for some very cosmo Green Mill pizza (meat lovers and supreme, if I remember). We also enjoyed an art fest going on, and Gally and I ate up the bookstores while the gals chatted.
Since my glory (wife) is off to NYC, I decided to get some movies I wouldn't normally get to see. One of them was Primal Fear, with Richard Gere and Edward Norton (*****). I had visionally imbibed that optical and emotional feast a few years ago, but decided I had forgotten too much of it, and wanted to see it again. I realized that I remembered it more as a thriller with a huge twist at the end, rather than the legal brief with deception that I take it for now. I had also completely forgotten the subplot dealing with Chicago's Southside and its interpower logistics.
I love the idea presented at the end of the movie, when Gere's character overtones something to the effect that, "So. I guess Roy never existed." Norton's character verbally berates him, and replies that no, it was Aaron Stampler who never existed.
This idea of multiple personalities, or schizophrenia, is very interesting to me. I think Batman is schizophrenic. But the great theme in Batman is that Bruce Wayne is the conjured up personality. These slightly darker psychological themes (more fully developed in stories with Two Face) perplex and challenge me.
Now, I think I need to be careful, since I'm dealing with fictitional, glamorized instances of terrible, horrible diseases that play havoc with the mind's of God's children. But at the same time, I think I (and maybe several of us) sense a bifurcation of character in us. I'm not especially talking about Paul's flesh/spirit antithesis (e.g. Romans 8). I think I am far more Platonic than Paul. The Apostle's flesh/spirit antithesis occurs in a unity; I sometimes honestly think I am a duality. Now my theology doesn't let me travel too far down this road, but my experience looks for footprints on the path. Sometimes more than others, I keenly feel the distance between my projected self before my wife, my job, my mirror, and the one I fight to suppress.
By the way, this is why I like Batman so much. In the mythos of Gotham, Batman is one of few who has truly come to grips with his whole self. I need to go see Batman Begins again...
Saturday with Ryan and Kelly comprised of Saturday night worship at church (Gally had to go home to Cali on a flight the following day. I think he visited WSCal yesterday). Our pastor preached one of his best, most gospel-centered sermons I've heard in a long time. Thank you Lord.
After that, it was out to Uptown for some very cosmo Green Mill pizza (meat lovers and supreme, if I remember). We also enjoyed an art fest going on, and Gally and I ate up the bookstores while the gals chatted.
Since my glory (wife) is off to NYC, I decided to get some movies I wouldn't normally get to see. One of them was Primal Fear, with Richard Gere and Edward Norton (*****). I had visionally imbibed that optical and emotional feast a few years ago, but decided I had forgotten too much of it, and wanted to see it again. I realized that I remembered it more as a thriller with a huge twist at the end, rather than the legal brief with deception that I take it for now. I had also completely forgotten the subplot dealing with Chicago's Southside and its interpower logistics.
I love the idea presented at the end of the movie, when Gere's character overtones something to the effect that, "So. I guess Roy never existed." Norton's character verbally berates him, and replies that no, it was Aaron Stampler who never existed.
This idea of multiple personalities, or schizophrenia, is very interesting to me. I think Batman is schizophrenic. But the great theme in Batman is that Bruce Wayne is the conjured up personality. These slightly darker psychological themes (more fully developed in stories with Two Face) perplex and challenge me.
Now, I think I need to be careful, since I'm dealing with fictitional, glamorized instances of terrible, horrible diseases that play havoc with the mind's of God's children. But at the same time, I think I (and maybe several of us) sense a bifurcation of character in us. I'm not especially talking about Paul's flesh/spirit antithesis (e.g. Romans 8). I think I am far more Platonic than Paul. The Apostle's flesh/spirit antithesis occurs in a unity; I sometimes honestly think I am a duality. Now my theology doesn't let me travel too far down this road, but my experience looks for footprints on the path. Sometimes more than others, I keenly feel the distance between my projected self before my wife, my job, my mirror, and the one I fight to suppress.
By the way, this is why I like Batman so much. In the mythos of Gotham, Batman is one of few who has truly come to grips with his whole self. I need to go see Batman Begins again...
A big "woohoo" and hearty congratulations to Aaron Robertson and Erica "Soon-to-be-a-Robertson" Gernand on their recent engagement.
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.
Jude 24 - 25
Labels: Art | Culture, blogging, Philosophy, theology
Thank you, that was just an awesome post!!!
Posted by
Dr. NK Bhagavan |
5/14/2018 04:02:00 AM
That is great to hear, thank you for reading!
Posted by
Constipation |
6/25/2018 01:35:00 AM